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- /* export.h */
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1992-20, Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Reproduction by any means whatsoever is prohibited without express
- * written permission.
- */
- #ifndef export_IDL_DEF
- #define export_IDL_DEF
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /***** Definitions from msg_code *****/
- #ifndef msg_code_IDL_DEF
- #define msg_code_IDL_DEF
- /* Warning: These codes can change between releases. */
- #define IDL_M_GENERIC -1
- #define IDL_M_NAMED_GENERIC -2
- #define IDL_M_SYSERR -4
- #define IDL_M_NOSUPPORT -5
- #define IDL_M_UNDEFVAR -154
- #define IDL_M_NOTARRAY -155
- #define IDL_M_NOTSCALAR -156
- #define IDL_M_NOEXPR -157
- #define IDL_M_NOCONST -158
- #define IDL_M_NOFILE -159
- #define IDL_M_NOCOMPLEX -162
- #define IDL_M_NOSTRING -163
- #define IDL_M_NOSTRUCT -164
- #define IDL_M_REQSTR -165
- #define IDL_M_STRUC_REQ -187
- #define IDL_M_REQPTR -569
- #define IDL_M_REQOBJREF -570
- #endif /* msg_code_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from config *****/
- #ifndef config_IDL_DEF
- #define config_IDL_DEF
- #define IDL_DEBUGGING 1
- #endif
- #ifdef sun
- #ifdef SUN_OS_4_1
- #define SUN_BSD
- #else /* SunOS 5.0 and later is SVR4 based */
- #define SUN_SYSV
- #ifdef sparc
- #define SUN_SYSV_SPARC
- #else
- #define SUN_SYSV_X86
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif /* sun */
- #ifdef vms
- #ifdef vax
- #define VAX_VMS
- #else /* vax */
- #define ALPHA_VMS
- #endif /* vax */
- #endif /* vms */
- #if defined(__alpha) && defined(__osf__)
- #define ALPHA_OSF
- #endif
- /*
- * Proper ANSI C doesn't allow pre-defined cpp macros that don't start
- * with an underscore. Explictly define the ones we use.
- */
- #if !defined(unix) && (defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || defined(_AIX))
- #define unix
- #endif
- #if defined(__hpux) && !defined(hpux)
- #define hpux
- #endif
- #if defined(__hp9000s300) && !defined(hp9000s300)
- #define hp9000s300
- #endif
- #if defined(__hp9000s800) && !defined(hp9000s800)
- #define hp9000s800
- #endif
- /*
- * In IDL terms, a longword is 32 bits. By using this typedef in place
- * of the standard C "long", we can handle systems where this assumption
- * does not hold.
- */
- #ifdef ALPHA_OSF
- #define LONG_NOT_32 /* Can be used to configure code */
- #endif
- /*
- * IDL is built with ANSI C on all platforms. However, there are
- * still a few K&R compilers out there. If you are using such a
- * compiler, define the preprocessor symbol IDL_CC_NOT_ANSI before
- * including this header file.
- *
- * The following macro will suppress argument prototypes in function
- * declarations allowing them to compile with a K&R compiler. Please be
- * aware, however, that the actual functions were compiled with an ANSI
- * compiler with full prototypes, so the default K&R type promotion rules
- * will cause runtime errors if you pass char, short, or float arguments.
- * K&R C widens these to int or double, but the actual routines expect
- * the un-widened types. Routines with these argument types should not
- * be called from K&R compiled code.
- */
- #ifdef IDL_CC_NOT_ANSI
- #define IDL_ARG_PROTO(args) ()
- #else
- #define IDL_ARG_PROTO(args) args
- #endif
- #ifdef FALSE
- #undef FALSE
- #endif
- #define FALSE (0)
- #ifdef TRUE
- #undef TRUE
- #endif
- #define TRUE (1)
- /*
- * The following definitions are to be used in all modules. They
- * are used by cx to generate .x files. publish is used for functions that
- * are used outside a module, but which are RSI private. export is used
- * for functions that people outside of RSI can use.
- */
- #define publish /* publish is C default file scope */
- #define export /* Useable outside of RSI */
- /*
- * Some platforms support tty based user interaction (Unix, VMS)
- * while others (Macintosh, Windows) don't. On those that don't, we
- * want to avoid compiling code that will never be called.
- * This symbol is defined on those systems that support ttys.
- */
- #if defined(unix) || defined(VMS)
- #define IDL_OS_HAS_TTYS
- #endif
- #if (IDL_DEBUGGING < 2) && !defined(__convex__) && !defined(_UNICOS)
- #define IDL_REGISTER register /* Use explicit register declarations */
- #else
- #define IDL_REGISTER
- #endif
- /**** Maximum # of array dimensions ****/
- #define IDL_MAX_ARRAY_DIM 8
- /**** Maximum # of params allowed in a call ****
- NEVER make this > 127. */
- #define IDL_MAXPARAMS 64
- /**** Longest allowed file path specification ****/
- #if defined(MAC) || defined(WIN32)
- #define IDL_MAXPATH 255
- #endif
- #ifdef unix
- #define IDL_MAXPATH 1024 /* That's what BSD allows */
- #endif
- #ifdef VMS
- #define IDL_MAXPATH 264
- #endif
- #endif /* config_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from defs *****/
- #ifndef defs_IDL_DEF
- #define defs_IDL_DEF
- #if !defined(WIN32) || !defined(PLTYPES)
- typedef unsigned char UCHAR; /* Unsigned character type */
- #endif
- /* Boolean. */
- typedef enum {
- IDL_FALSE = 0,
- IDL_TRUE = 1
- } IDLBool_t;
- /*
- * In IDL terms, a longword is 32 bits. By using this typedef in place
- * of the standard C "long", we can handle systems where this assumption
- * does not hold.
- */
- #ifdef LONG_NOT_32
- typedef int IDL_LONG;
- typedef unsigned int IDL_ULONG;
- #else
- typedef long IDL_LONG;
- typedef unsigned long IDL_ULONG;
- #endif
- /* Type used for pointer and object reference variables is same as IDL_LONG */
- /*
- * Define IDL_VARIABLE type values - Note that IDL_TYP_UNDEF is always 0 by
- * definition. It is correct to use the value 0 in place of IDL_TYP_UNDEF.
- * It is not correct to assume the value assigned to any other
- * type - the preprocessor definitions below must be used.
- */
- #define IDL_TYP_UNDEF 0
- #define IDL_TYP_BYTE 1
- #define IDL_TYP_INT 2
- #define IDL_TYP_LONG 3
- #define IDL_TYP_FLOAT 4
- #define IDL_TYP_DOUBLE 5
- #define IDL_TYP_COMPLEX 6
- #define IDL_TYP_STRING 7
- #define IDL_TYP_STRUCT 8
- #define IDL_TYP_DCOMPLEX 9
- #define IDL_TYP_PTR 10
- #define IDL_TYP_OBJREF 11
- #define IDL_MAX_TYPE 11
- #define IDL_NUM_TYPES 12
- /*
- * The above type codes each have a bit mask value associated with
- * them. The bit mask value is computed as (2**Type_code), but the
- * following definitions can also be used. Some routines request the
- * bit mask value instead of the type code value.
- */
- #define IDL_TYP_B_SIMPLE 767
- #define IDL_TYP_B_ALL 4095
- /* This macro turns it's argument into its bit mask equivalent.
- * The argument type_code should be one of the type codes defined
- * above.
- */
- #define IDL_TYP_MASK(dim_code) (1 << dim_code)
- /***** IDL_VARIABLE flag values ********/
- #define IDL_V_CONST 1
- #define IDL_V_TEMP 2
- #define IDL_V_ARR 4
- #define IDL_V_FILE 8
- #define IDL_V_DYNAMIC 16
- #define IDL_V_STRUCT 32
- /**** IDL_ARRAY flag values ****/
- #define IDL_A_FILE 1 /* Array is a FILE variable (ASSOC) */
- #define IDL_A_NO_GUARD 2 /* Indicates no data guards for array */
- /**** Basic IDL structures: ****/
- typedef struct {
- float r,i;
- typedef struct {
- double r,i;
- typedef struct { /* Define string descriptor */
- unsigned short slen; /* Length of string, 0 for null */
- short stype; /* type of string, static or dynamic */
- char *s; /* Addr of string */
- /**** IDL identifiers ****/
- typedef struct _idl_ident {
- struct _idl_ident *hash; /* Must be the first field */
- char *name; /* Identifier text (NULL terminated */
- int len; /* # of characters in id, not counting NULL
- termination. */
- /*
- * Type of the free_cb field of IDL_ARRAY. When IDL deletes a variable and
- * the free_cb field of ARRAY non-NULL, IDL calls the function that field
- * references, passing the value of the data field as it's sole argument.
- * The primary use for this notification is to let programs know when
- * to clean up after calls to IDL_ImportArray(), which is used to create
- * arrays using memory that IDL does not allocate.
- */
- typedef void (* IDL_ARRAY_FREE_CB) IDL_ARG_PROTO((UCHAR *));
- typedef struct { /* Its important that this block
- be an integer number of longwords
- in length to ensure that array
- data is longword aligned. */
- IDL_LONG elt_len; /* Length of element in char units */
- IDL_LONG arr_len; /* Length of entire array (char) */
- IDL_LONG n_elts; /* total # of elements */
- UCHAR *data; /* ^ to beginning of array data */
- UCHAR n_dim; /* # of dimensions used by array */
- UCHAR flags; /* Array block flags */
- short file_unit; /* # of assoc file if file var */
- IDL_LONG dim[IDL_MAX_ARRAY_DIM]; /* dimensions */
- IDL_ARRAY_FREE_CB free_cb; /* Free callback */
- IDL_LONG data_guard; /* Guard longword */
- typedef struct { /* Reference to a structure */
- IDL_ARRAY *arr; /* ^ to array block containing data */
- struct _idl_structure *sdef; /* ^ to structure definition */
- /* IDL_ALLTYPES can be used to represent all IDL_VARIABLE types */
- typedef union {
- char sc; /* A standard char, where "standard" is defined
- by the compiler. This isn't an IDL data
- type, but having this field is sometimes
- useful for internal code */
- UCHAR c; /* Byte value */
- short i; /* Integer short value */
- IDL_LONG l; /* Long value */
- float f; /* Floating value */
- double d; /* Double value */
- IDL_COMPLEX cmp; /* Complex value */
- IDL_DCOMPLEX dcmp; /* Double complex value */
- IDL_STRING str; /* String descriptor */
- IDL_ARRAY *arr; /* ^ to array descriptor */
- IDL_SREF s; /* Descriptor of structure */
- IDL_HVID hvid; /* Heap variable identifier */
- typedef struct { /* IDL_VARIABLE definition */
- UCHAR type; /* Type byte */
- UCHAR flags; /* Flags byte */
- typedef void (* IDL_PRO_PTR)(); /* ^ to interpreter procedure (ret is void) */
- /* ^ to interp. function (ret ^ to VAR) */
- typedef IDL_VARIABLE *(* IDL_FUN_RET)();
- /* Possible values for the flags field of IDL_SYSFUN_DEF */
- #define IDL_SYSFUN_DEF_F_OBSOLETE 1 /* Routine is obsolete */
- #define IDL_SYSFUN_DEF_F_KEYWORDS 2 /* Routine accepts keywords */
- #define IDL_SYSFUN_DEF_F_XSTUDENT 4 /* Routine not allowed in
- Student edition */
- /* This structure defines the format of a system procedure
- or function table entry. */
- typedef struct { /* System function definition */
- IDL_FUN_RET funct_addr; /* Address of function, or procedure. */
- char *name; /* The name of the function */
- UCHAR arg_min; /* Minimum allowed argument count. */
- UCHAR arg_max; /* Maximum argument count. The top
- bit in arg_min is set to indicate that
- the routine accepts keywords. */
- UCHAR flags; /* IDL_SYSFUN_DEF_F_* flags */
- /*
- * Setting the top bit in the arg_min field of an IDL_SYSFUN_DEF passed to
- * IDL_AddSystemRoutine() is equivalent to the setting the
- * IDL_SYSFUNDEF_F_KEYWORDS bit in the flags field. This is strictly for
- * backwards compatability. Direct use of the flags field is preferred.
- */
- #define IDL_KW_ARGS 128 /* Bit set in argmin indicating kw's allowed */
- /*
- * Type of pointer to an IDL structure definition. This is an opaque type
- * not to be directly referenced.
- */
- typedef void *IDL_StructDefPtr;
- #endif /* defs_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from message *****/
- #ifndef message_IDL_DEF
- #define message_IDL_DEF
- /*
- * action parameter to message is composed of two parts. These two masks
- * are used to separate them out.
- */
- #define IDL_MSG_ACTION_CODE 0x0000ffff
- #define IDL_MSG_ACTION_ATTR 0xffff0000
- /* Allowed codes for action parameter to IDL_Message() */
- #define IDL_MSG_RET 0 /* Return to caller */
- #define IDL_MSG_EXIT 1 /* Terminate process via exit(3) */
- #define IDL_MSG_LONGJMP 2 /* General error. Obey the error handling
- established by the ON_ERROR user
- procedure. */
- #define IDL_MSG_IO_LONGJMP 3 /* I/O error. Obey the error handling
- established by the ON_IOERROR user
- procedure. */
- #define IDL_MSG_INFO 4 /* Informational. Like IDL_MSG_RET, but won't
- set !ERR or !ERR_STRING. Also,
- inhibited by !QUIET */
- /* Allowed attribute masks that can be OR'd into the action code */
- #define IDL_MSG_ATTR_NOPRINT 0x00010000 /* Suppress the printing of
- the error text to stderr,
- but do everything else in
- the normal way. */
- #define IDL_MSG_ATTR_MORE 0x00020000 /* Use IDL_more() instead of printf(3S)
- to output the message. The calling
- routine must worry about calling
- IDL_more_reset(). A side effect of
- this is that the message goes to the
- file named in IDL_more_reset(), not
- necessarily stderr. */
- #define IDL_MSG_ATTR_NOPREFIX 0x00040000 /* Don't output the normal
- message (from !MSG_PREFIX),
- just the message text. */
- #define IDL_MSG_ATTR_QUIET 0x00080000 /* If the message would normally
- be printed and !QUIET is
- non-zero, the printing
- is suppressed. Everything
- else is updated as expected. */
- #define IDL_MSG_ATTR_NOTRACE 0x00100000 /* Suppress traceback message */
- #define IDL_MSG_ATTR_BELL 0x00200000 /* Ring the bell */
- #define IDL_MSG_ATTR_SYS 0x00400000 /* IDL_Message() only: Include
- system supplied error message,
- via errno or whatever source
- is appropriate for the
- current platform. */
- #endif /* message_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from macros *****/
- #ifndef macros_IDL_DEF
- #define macros_IDL_DEF
- /* General math macros */
- #define IDL_MIN(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
- #define IDL_MAX(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
- #define IDL_ABS(x) (((x) >= 0) ? (x) : -(x))
- /* Return x in the range of min <= x <= max */
- #define IDL_CLIP_TO_RANGE(x, min, max) \
- ((x) < (min) ? (min) : ((x) > (max) ? (max) : (x)))
- /* Round x up modulo m. m must be a power of 2 : */
- #define IDL_ROUND_UP(x,m) \
- (((x) + (m-1)) & (~(m-1)))
- /**** Cast a pointer to (char *) ****/
- #define IDL_CHAR(x) ((char *) x)
- /**** Take the address of a variable and cast to a desired type ****/
- #define IDL_CHARA(x) ((char *) &(x))
- #define IDL_UCHARA(x) ((UCHAR *) &(x))
- #define IDL_SHORTA(x) ((short *) &(x))
- #define IDL_INTA(x) ((int *) &(x))
- #define IDL_LONGA(x) ((IDL_LONG *) &(x))
- /**** Get pointer to a valid string from an IDL_STRING descriptor */
- #define IDL_STRING_STR(desc) ((desc)->slen ? (desc)->s : "")
- #define IDL_DELTMP(v) { if ((v->flags) & IDL_V_TEMP) IDL_Deltmp(v); }
- #define IDL_EXCLUDE_UNDEF(v) { if (!v->type) \
- #define IDL_EXCLUDE_CONST(v) { if (v->flags & IDL_V_CONST) \
- #define IDL_EXCLUDE_EXPR(v) { if (v->flags & (IDL_V_CONST | IDL_V_TEMP)) \
- IDL_MessageVarError(IDL_M_NOEXPR, v, IDL_MSG_LONGJMP); }
- #define IDL_EXCLUDE_FILE(v) { if (v->flags & IDL_V_FILE) \
- IDL_MessageVarError(IDL_M_NOFILE, v, IDL_MSG_LONGJMP); }
- #define IDL_EXCLUDE_STRUCT(v) { if (v->flags & IDL_V_STRUCT) \
- #define IDL_EXCLUDE_FILE_OR_STRUCT(v) {if(v->flags &(IDL_V_FILE|IDL_V_STRUCT))\
- #define IDL_EXCLUDE_COMPLEX(v) { if ((v->type == IDL_TYP_COMPLEX) \
- || (v->type == IDL_TYP_DCOMPLEX)) \
- #define IDL_EXCLUDE_STRING(v) { if (v->type == IDL_TYP_STRING) \
- #define IDL_EXCLUDE_SCALAR(v) { if (!(v->flags & IDL_V_NOT_SCALAR)) \
- /**** Ensure that variables possess certain attributes ****/
- #define IDL_ENSURE_ARRAY(v) { if (!(v->flags & IDL_V_ARR)) \
- #define IDL_ENSURE_SCALAR(v) { if (v->flags & IDL_V_NOT_SCALAR) \
- #define IDL_ENSURE_STRING(v) { if (v->type != IDL_TYP_STRING) \
- #define IDL_ENSURE_SIMPLE(v) IDL_VarEnsureSimple(v)
- #endif
- #define IDL_ENSURE_STRUCTURE(v) { if (!(v->flags & IDL_V_STRUCT)) \
- #define IDL_ENSURE_PTR(v) { if (v->type != IDL_TYP_PTR) \
- #define IDL_ENSURE_OBJREF(v) { if (v->type != IDL_TYP_OBJREF) \
- /* Check if var has a dynamic part. If so, delete it using IDL_Delvar */
- #define IDL_DELVAR(v) { if (((v)->flags) & IDL_V_DYNAMIC) IDL_Delvar(v); }
- /*
- * For systems that lack the bcopy() routines, mimic them using
- * the memcpy() routines. Under VMS, DEC C will inline these
- * because string.h is included.
- */
- #if defined(SUN_SYSV) || !defined(unix)
- #include <string.h>
- #ifndef bcopy
- #define bcopy(src,dest,len) (memcpy((dest), (src), (len)))
- #endif
- #ifndef bzero
- #define bzero(dest,len) (memset((dest), 0, (len)))
- #endif
- #ifndef bcmp
- #define bcmp(b1,b2,len) (memcmp((b1), (b2), (len)))
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif /* macros_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from crearr *****/
- #ifndef crearr_IDL_DEF
- #define crearr_IDL_DEF
- /* The following define the valid values for the init arg to basic_array */
- #define IDL_BARR_INI_ZERO 0 /* Zero data area */
- #define IDL_BARR_INI_NOP 1 /* Don't do anything to data area */
- #define IDL_BARR_INI_INDEX 2 /* Put 1-D index into each elt. */
- #define IDL_BARR_INI_TEST 3 /* Test if enough memory is available */
- #endif /* crearr_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from ez *****/
- #ifndef ez_IDL_DEF
- #define ez_IDL_DEF
- /* These constants can be ORd together to form the value for the
- access field of IDL_EZ_ARG */
- #define IDL_EZ_ACCESS_R 1 /* Arg is readable */
- #define IDL_EZ_ACCESS_W 2 /* Arg is writable */
- #define IDL_EZ_ACCESS_RW 3 /* Arg is readable and writable */
- /* This macro turns it's argument into a bit mask suitable for
- * the allowed_dims field of IDL_EZ_ARG. The argument dim_code should be
- * 0 for scalar, 1 for 1D, 2 for 2D, etc...
- */
- #define IDL_EZ_DIM_MASK(dim_code) (1 << dim_code)
- /* Define type mask of all numeric types: */
- #define IDL_EZ_TYP_NUMERIC \
- /* These constants should be used instead of IDL_EZ_DIM_MASK when appropriate */
- #define IDL_EZ_DIM_ARRAY 510 /* Allow all but scalar */
- #define IDL_EZ_DIM_ANY 511 /* Allow anything */
- /* These constants can be ORd together to form the value for the
- pre field of IDL_EZ_ARG. These actions are taken only if the argument
- has IDL_EZ_ACCESS_R. */
- #define IDL_EZ_PRE_SQMATRIX 1 /* Arg must be a square matrix. */
- #define IDL_EZ_PRE_TRANSPOSE 2 /* Transpose arg. This only happens
- with read access. */
- /* These constants can be ORd together to form the value for the
- post field of IDL_EZ_ARG. These actions are taken only if the argument
- has IDL_EZ_ACCESS_W. If IDL_EZ_POST_WRITEBACK is not present, none of the
- other actions are considered, since that would imply wasted effort. */
- #define IDL_EZ_POST_WRITEBACK 1 /* Transfer the contents of
- uargv to the actual argument. */
- #define IDL_EZ_POST_TRANSPOSE 2 /* Transpose uargv prior to writing. */
- /*
- * IDL_EZ_ARG is the definition for the structure used by IDL_EzCall()
- * and IDL_EzCallCleanup() to define the plain arguments being passed
- * to a routine.
- */
- typedef struct {
- short allowed_dims; /* A bit mask that specifies the
- allowed dimensions. Bit 0 means scalar,
- bit 1 is 1D, etc. Use the EZ_DIM_* constants
- defined in this file to specify this
- value. */
- short allowed_types; /* This is a bit mask defining the
- allowed data types for the argument.
- To convert the TYP_* type codes defined
- in defs.h to the appropriate bits,
- use the formula 2**(type_code) or use
- the TYP_B_* bit masks defined in defs.h
- NOTE: If you specify a value for convert,
- its a good idea to specify IDL_TYP_B_ALL or
- IDL_TYP_B_SIMPLE here. The type conversion
- will catch any problems and your routine
- will be more flexible. */
- short access; /* Some combination of the EZ_ACCESS
- constants defined above. */
- short convert; /* If non-zero, the TYP_* type code to
- which the argument will be converted.
- A value of zero means that no conversion
- will be applied. */
- short pre; /* A bit mask that specifies special purpose
- processing that should be performed on
- the variable by IDL_EzCall(). These bits
- are specified with the IDL_EZ_PRE_*
- constants. This processing occurs *AFTER*
- any type conversions specified by
- convert. */
- short post; /* A bit mask that specifies special purpose
- processing that should be performed on
- the variable by IDL_EzCallCleanup(). These
- bits are specified with the IDL_EZ_POST_*
- constants. */
- allocated a temporary variable to satisfy
- the conversion requirements given by the
- convert field, the IDL_VPTR to that temp
- is stashed here by IDL_EzCall for use by
- IDL_EzCallCleanup(). */
- IDL_VPTR uargv; /* After calling IDL_EzCall(), uargv contains
- a pointer to the IDL_VARIABLE which is
- the argument. */
- IDL_ALLTYPES value; /* This is a copy of the value field
- of the variable pointed at by uargv.
- For scalar variables, it contains the
- value, for arrays it points at the
- array block. */
- #endif /* ez_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from graphics *****/
- #ifndef graphics_IDL_DEF
- #define graphics_IDL_DEF
- /* *** Structure defining current device and parameters: *** */
- #define IDL_MAX_TICKN 60 /* Max # of axis annotations */
- #define IDL_COLOR_MAP_SIZE 256 /* Size of internal color map. */
- #define IDL_NUM_LINESTYLES 6 /* # of line styles */
- #define IDL_X0 0 /* Subscripts of fields for rect structures */
- #define IDL_Y0 1
- #define IDL_X1 2
- #define IDL_Y1 3
- #define IDL_Z0 4
- #define IDL_Z1 5
- #define IDL_AX_LOG 1 /* Axis type values */
- #define IDL_AX_MAP 2 /* Old style maps */
- #define IDL_AX_MAP1 3 /* New style maps */
- #define IDL_AX_EXACT 1 /* Axis style values: */
- #define IDL_AX_EXTEND 2
- #define IDL_AX_NONE 4
- #define IDL_AX_NOBOX 8
- #define IDL_AX_NOZERO 16
- typedef struct { /* System variable for axis */
- IDL_STRING title; /* Axis title */
- int type; /* 0 = normal linear, 1=log. */
- int style; /* 0 = norm, AX_EXTEND, AX_EXACT, AX_NONE,
- AX_NOBOX. */
- int nticks; /* # of ticks, 0=auto, -1 = none */
- float ticklen; /* Tick length, normalized */
- float thick; /* Axis thickness */
- float range[2]; /* Min and max of endpoints */
- float crange[2]; /* Current min & max */
- float s[2]; /* Scale factors, screen = data*s[1]+s[0] */
- float margin[2]; /* Margin size, in char units. */
- float omargin[2]; /* Outer margin, in char units */
- float window[2]; /* data WINDOW coords, normal units */
- float region[2]; /* Plot region, normal units */
- float charsize; /* Size of annotations */
- int minor_ticks; /* Minor ticks */
- float tickv[IDL_MAX_TICKN]; /* Position of ticks */
- IDL_STRING annot[IDL_MAX_TICKN]; /* Annotation */
- IDL_LONG gridstyle; /* tick linestyle */
- IDL_STRING format; /* Axis label format/procedure */
- /* After here, the elements are not accessible to the user via
- the system variables: */
- IDL_VPTR ret_values; /* Returned tick values */
- /* Define cursor function codes: */
- #define IDL_CURS_SET 1 /* Set cursor */
- #define IDL_CURS_RD 2 /* Read cursor pos */
- #define IDL_CURS_RD_WAIT 3 /* Read cursor with wait */
- #define IDL_CURS_HIDE 4 /* Disable cursor */
- #define IDL_CURS_SHOW 5 /* Display cursor */
- #define IDL_CURS_RD_MOVE 6 /* Read & wait for movement or button */
- #define IDL_CURS_RD_BUTTON_UP 7 /* Wait for button up transition */
- #define IDL_CURS_RD_BUTTON_DOWN 8 /* Wait for button down transition */
- #define IDL_CURS_HIDE_ORIGINAL 9 /* Restore cursor to its original shape
- (window systems) instead of blanking
- it. */
- /* Define coordinate system types: */
- #define IDL_COORD_DATA 0
- #define IDL_COORD_DEVICE 1
- #define IDL_COORD_NORMAL 2
- #define IDL_COORD_MARGIN 3
- #define IDL_PX 0 /* Subscripts for each point member */
- #define IDL_PY 1
- #define IDL_PZ 2
- #define IDL_PH 3
- typedef union { /* Describe a point: */
- struct { /* Discrete point, ref by .x, .y, or .z: */
- float x,y,z,h; /* Homogenous coordinates */
- } d;
- struct { /* Integer discrete: */
- int x,y,z,h;
- } i;
- float p[4]; /* Point refered to by [0],[1],... for
- x, y, etc.*/
- int ip[4]; /* Integer representation, only valid
- } IDL_GR_PT;
- typedef struct {
- IDL_GR_PT origin;
- IDL_GR_PT size;
- typedef struct { /* Attributes structure for points & lines */
- IDL_ULONG color; /* Specifys all that can go wrong w/ graphic */
- float thick;
- int linestyle;
- float *t; /* NULL for no 3d transform, or pointer to
- 4 by 4 matrix. */
- int *clip; /* NULL for no clipping or ^ to [2][2]
- clipping rectangle in device coord. */
- IDL_AXIS *ax,*ay,*az; /* Axis definitions */
- int chl; /* For devices with multiple channels */
- typedef struct { /* Graphic text attribute structure.
- Passed to text routines. */
- int font; /* 0 for hdw text, -1 for hershey */
- int axes; /* Text axes, 0 = xy, 1 = xz, 2 =yz,
- 3 = yx, 4 = zx, 5 = zy */
- float size; /* Text size, 1.0 = normal */
- float orien; /* Orientation, degrees CCW from normal */
- float align; /* Justification, 0.0 = left, 1.0 = right,
- 0.5 = centered. */
- /* Structure that defines secondary paramenters for imaging */
- typedef struct { /* Imaging attribute structure */
- short xsize_exp; /* Non-0 if xsize is EXPlictily set by user */
- short ysize_exp; /* Non-0 if ysize is EXPlictily set by user */
- IDL_LONG xsize, ysize; /* Requested size of image (dev coords) */
- int chl; /* Channel */
- int order; /* Image order - 0 bottom to top */
- /* Three element array giving the stride between colors of the same
- pixel, adjacent pixels of the same color, and rows of the same color.
- color_stride[0] is non-zero for true color. */
- int color_stride[3];
- int image_is_scratch; /* True if source image is a temp */
- int b_per_pixel; /* # of bytes/pixel */
- typedef struct { /* Structure defining polygon fills */
- enum {
- } fill_type;
- IDL_ATTR_STRUCT *attr; /* Graphics attribute structure */
- IDL_PRO_PTR routine; /* Drawing routine to use */
- union { /* Operation dependent params: */
- struct { /* Image fill */
- UCHAR *data; /* Fill data for image fill */
- int d1, d2; /* Dimensions of fill data */
- float *im_verts; /* Image coords of verts */
- float *im_w; /* Screen vert W coords */
- UCHAR interp; /* TRUE to interpolate in image space */
- UCHAR transparent; /* Transparency threshold, 0 for none */
- } image;
- struct { /* Line-pattern fill: */
- float angle; /* Fill orientation in degrees */
- int spacing; /* Line spacing, in device units */
- float ct, st; /* Cos / sin of rotation */
- } lines;
- int fill_style; /* Hardware dependent fill style for
- } extra;
- struct { /* Info used only with Z buffer device */
- float *z; /* The Z values */
- int *shades; /* Shading values at verts for POLY_GOURAUD */
- } three;
- typedef struct { /* Struct containing last mouse status */
- int x,y; /* X & Y device coordinates */
- int button; /* Button status bits */
- int time; /* Time stamp, not present in all devices */
- /*
- * IDL_DEVICE_CORE defines the core functions required by every
- * device driver. Most fields can be filled with
- * a NULL indicating the ability dosen't exist. draw and erase are
- * exceptions to this --- If you can't do that much, why bother with a driver?
- */
- typedef struct {
- void (* draw)(IDL_GR_PT *p0, IDL_GR_PT *p1, IDL_ATTR_STRUCT *a);
- int (* text)(IDL_GR_PT *p, IDL_ATTR_STRUCT *ga, IDL_TEXT_STRUCT *ta,
- char *text);
- void (* erase)(IDL_ATTR_STRUCT *a); /* erase */
- /* cursor inquire and set */
- void (* cursor)(int funct, IDL_MOUSE_STRUCT *m);
- /* Fill irregular polygon */
- void (* polyfill)(int *x, int *y, int n, IDL_POLYFILL_ATTR *poly);
- /* Returning to interactive mode */
- void (* inter_exit)(void);
- void (* flush)(void); /* Flush entry */
- void (* load_color)(IDL_LONG start, IDL_LONG n);
- /* Pixel input/output */
- void (* rw_pixels)(UCHAR *data, int x0, int y0, int nx,
- int ny, int dir, IDL_TV_STRUCT *secondary);
- /* DEVICE procedure */
- void (* dev_specific)(int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv, char *argk);
- /* HELP,/DEVICE */
- void (* dev_help)(int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv);
- void (* load_rtn)(void); /* Call when driver is loaded */
- /*
- * IDL_DEVICE_WINDOW contains pointers to functions that accomplish
- * window system operations. If the device is a window system,
- * every field in this struct must point at a valid function,
- * they're called without checking.
- */
- /*
- * Older mips compilers (Ultrix 4.2) can't handle Ansi function prototypes
- * inside a struct, so we typedef each function and use the defined
- * type inside the struct.
- */
- typedef struct { /* Procedures & functions for image device: */
- void (* window_create)(int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv,char *argk);
- void (* window_delete)(int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv);
- void (* window_show)(int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv, char *argk);
- void (* window_set)(int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv);
- IDL_VPTR (* window_menu)(int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv, char *argk);
- /*
- * IDL_DEVICE_DEF is the interface between a device driver and the rest
- * of the Structure defining a graphics device. Every field in this
- * structure must contain valid information --- it is used without
- * any error checking.
- */
- typedef struct { /* Device descriptor, mostly static attributes
- and definitions: */
- IDL_STRING name; /* Device name */
- int t_size[2]; /* Total size in device coordinates */
- int v_size[2]; /* Visible area size, device coords */
- int ch_size[2]; /* Default character sizes */
- float px_cm[2]; /* Device units / centimeter, x & y. */
- int n_colors; /* # of possible simultaneous colors */
- int table_size; /* # of color table elements */
- int fill_dist; /* minimum line spacing for solid fill */
- int window; /* Current window number */
- int unit; /* Unit number of output file */
- int flags; /* Advertise limitations and abilities */
- int origin[2]; /* Display XY (pan/scroll) origin */
- int zoom[2]; /* Display XY zoom factors */
- float aspect; /* Aspect ratio, = v_size[0] / v_size[1]. */
- IDL_DEVICE_CORE core; /* Core graphics */
- IDL_DEVICE_WINDOW winsys; /* Window system. Only required if D_WINDOWS */
- char *reserved; /* Set to zero. */
- /* Define bits in IDL_DEVICE_DEF flags: */
- #define IDL_D_SCALABLE_PIXELS 1 /* True if pixel size is variable (e.g. PS)*/
- #define IDL_D_ANGLE_TEXT (1 << 1) /* True if device can output text at
- angles */
- #define IDL_D_THICK (1 << 2) /* True if line thickness can be set */
- #define IDL_D_IMAGE (1 << 3) /* True if capable of imaging */
- #define IDL_D_COLOR (1 << 4) /* True if device supports color */
- #define IDL_D_POLYFILL (1 << 5) /* True if device can do polyfills */
- #define IDL_D_MONOSPACE (1<<6) /* True if device has only monspaced text */
- #define IDL_D_READ_PIXELS (1<<7) /* True if device can read back pixels */
- #define IDL_D_WINDOWS (1<<8) /* True if device supports windows */
- #define IDL_D_WHITE_BACKGROUND (1<<9) /* True if device background is
- white, like PostScript. */
- #define IDL_D_NO_HDW_TEXT (1<<10) /* True if device has no hardware text */
- #define IDL_D_POLYFILL_LINE (1<<11) /* True to use device driver for line
- style polyfills. */
- #define IDL_D_HERSH_CONTROL (1<<12) /* True if device accepts hershey style
- control characters. */
- #define IDL_D_PLOTTER (1<<13) /* True if pen plotter */
- #define IDL_D_WORDS (1<<14) /* True if device images can be words */
- #define IDL_D_KANJI (1 << 15) /* Device has Kanji characters */
- #define IDL_D_WIDGETS (1 << 16) /* Device supports graphical user
- interfaces */
- #define IDL_D_Z (1 << 17) /* Device is 3d */
- typedef struct {
- int background; /* Background color */
- float charsize; /* Global Character size */
- float charthick; /* Character thickness */
- int clip[6]; /* Clipping rectangle, normalized coords */
- IDL_ULONG color; /* Current color */
- int font; /* Font */
- int linestyle; /* Line style */
- int multi[5]; /* Cnt, Cols/rows, major dir for multi plts. */
- int clip_off; /* True if clipping is disabled */
- int noerase; /* No erase flag */
- int nsum; /* Number of points to sum */
- float position[4]; /* Default window */
- int psym; /* Marker symbol */
- float region[4]; /* Default plotting region */
- IDL_STRING subtitle; /* Plot subtitle */
- float symsize; /* Symbol size */
- float t[16]; /* Matrix (4x4) of homogeneous transform */
- int t3d_on; /* True if 3d homo transform is on */
- float thick; /* Line thickness */
- IDL_STRING title; /* Main plot title */
- float ticklen; /* Tick length */
- int chl; /* Default channel */
- IDL_DEVICE_DEF *dev; /* Current output device, not user accesible */
- #endif /* graphics_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from keyword *****/
- #ifndef keyword_IDL_DEF
- #define keyword_IDL_DEF
- /* Bit values of IDL_KW_PAR flags field: */
- #define IDL_KW_ARRAY (1 << 12)
- /* If specified array is required, otherwise scalar required */
- #define IDL_KW_OUT (1 << 13)
- /* Indicates parameter is an OUTPUT parameter passed by reference.
- Expressions are excluded. The address of the IDL_VARIABLE is stored in
- the value field. Otherwise, no checking is performed. Special hint:
- to find out if a IDL_KW_OUT parameter is specified, use 0 for the type,
- and IDL_KW_OUT | IDL_KW_ZERO for the flags. The value field will either
- contain NULL or the pointer to the variable. */
- /* Parameter is an INPUT parameter passed by reference. The address
- of the IDL_VARIABLE or expression is stored in the value field as with
- IDL_KW_OUT. If this flag is specified, kw_cleanup() must be called to
- properly reap temporaries that may have been allocated. */
- #define IDL_KW_ZERO (1 << 14)
- /* If set, zero the parameter before parsing the keywords. I.e. if
- this bit is set, and the parameter is not specified, the value will
- always be 0. */
- #define IDL_KW_VALUE (1 << 15)
- /* If this bit is set and the keyword is present, and its value is
- non-zero, the low 12 bits of this field will be inclusive 'or'ed with
- the longword pointed to by IDL_KW_PAR.value. Be sure that the type field
- contains TYP_LONG. The largest value that may be specified is
- (2^12)-1. Negative values are not allowed. For example, if the
- IDL_KW_PAR struct contains:
- "DEVICE", TYP_LONG, 1, IDL_KW_VALUE | 4 |IDL_KW_ZERO,NULL,&(char *) xxx,
- "NORMAL", TYP_LONG, 1, IDL_KW_VALUE | 3, NULL, &(char *) xxx,
- then xxx will contain a 3 if /NORMAL, or NORMAL = (expr) is
- present, a 4 if /DEVICE is present, 7 if both are set, and 0 if
- neither. IDL_KW_ZERO can also be used in combination with this flag, use
- it only once for each IDL_KW_PAR.value. */
- #define IDL_KW_VALUE_MASK ((1 << 12) -1) /* Mask for value part */
- /* Use IDL_KW_FAST_SCAN as the first element of the keyword array if
- there are more than approximately 5 or 10 elements in the keyword
- array. The IDL_KW_PAR structure defined by this macro is used to
- point to a list of elements to zero, and speeds processing of long
- keyword lists. NEVER touch the contents of this structure.
- */
- #define IDL_KW_FAST_SCAN { (char *)"", 0,0,0,0,0 }
- typedef struct {
- char *keyword; /* ^ to Keyword string, NULL terminated.
- A NULL keyword string pointer value
- terminates the keyword structure. Strings
- must be UPPER case and in LEXICAL order .*/
- UCHAR type; /* Type of data required. For scalars the
- only allowable types are TYP_STRING,
- TYP_DOUBLE. For arrays, this may be
- any simple type or 0 for no conversion. */
- unsigned short mask; /* Enable mask. This field is AND'ed with
- the mask field in the call to
- GET_IDL_KW_PARAMS, and if the result is
- non-zero the keyword is used. If it is 0,
- the keyword is ignored. */
- unsigned short flags; /* Contains flags as described above */
- int *specified; /* Address of int to set on return if
- param is specified. May be null if this
- information is not required. */
- char *value; /* Address of value to return. In the
- case of arrays, this value points to
- the IDL_KW_ARR_DESC structure for the data
- to be returned.
- */
- typedef struct { /* Descriptor for array's that are returned */
- char *data; /* Address of array to receive data. */
- int nmin; /* Minimum # of elements allowed. */
- int nmax; /* Maximum # of elements allowed. */
- int n; /* # present, (Returned value). */
- #define IDL_KW_CLEAN_ALL 0 /* Codes for kw_cleanup, clean all temps
- and strings */
- #define IDL_KW_MARK 1 /* Mark string stack before calling get_
- kw_params. */
- #define IDL_KW_CLEAN 2 /* Clean temps & strings created since
- last call with KW_MARK. */
- #endif /* keyword_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from os *****/
- #ifndef os_IDL_DEF
- #define os_IDL_DEF
- /* Structure passed to IDL_GetUserInfo() */
- typedef struct {
- char *logname; /* Users login name */
- char host[64]; /* The machine name */
- char wd[IDL_MAXPATH]; /* The current directory */
- char date[25]; /* The current date */
- #ifdef VMS
- #include <descrip.h>
- #endif
- #endif /* os_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from pout *****/
- #ifndef pout_IDL_DEF
- #define pout_IDL_DEF
- /*** Mask values for flags argument to pout() ***/
- #define IDL_POUT_SL 1 /* Start on a new line */
- #define IDL_POUT_FL 2 /* Finish current line */
- #define IDL_POUT_NOSP 4 /* Don't add leading space */
- #define IDL_POUT_NOBREAK 8 /* Don't start a new line if too long */
- #define IDL_POUT_LEADING 16 /* Print leading text at start of line */
- #define IDL_POUT_GET_POS 32 /* Get current file position */
- #define IDL_POUT_SET_POS 64 /* Set current file position */
- /*** Structure for control argument to pout() ***/
- typedef struct {
- int unit; /* LUN of open file */
- int curcol; /* Current output column */
- int wrap; /* # chars at which buf should flush */
- char *leading; /* String to output at start of each line */
- int leading_len; /* Length of leading w/o terminating null */
- char *buf; /* ^ to output buffer. Must be max_len chars */
- int max_len; /* Length of buffer */
- #endif /* pout_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from raster *****/
- #ifndef raster_IDL_DEF
- #define raster_IDL_DEF
- /*** Allowed values for dither_method field of IDL_RASTER_DEF struct ***/
- #define IDL_DITHER_REVERSE 0 /* "Un-dither" back to bytes */
- #define IDL_DITHER_THRESHOLD 1 /* Threshold dithering */
- #define IDL_DITHER_FLOYD_STEINBERG 2 /* Floyd Steinberg method */
- #define IDL_DITHER_ORDERED 3 /* Ordered dither */
- /* Values for flags field: */
- #define IDL_DITHER_F_WHITE 1 /* Device has white background, dithering
- module then sets the black bits. */
- /*** Convenience values for the bit_tab array of IDL_RASTER_DEF struct ***/
- #define IDL_RASTER_MSB_LEFT { 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01 }
- #define IDL_RASTER_MSB_RIGHT { 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 }
- typedef struct { /* Information that characterizes a raster */
- UCHAR *fb; /* Address of frame buffer */
- int nx, ny; /* Size of frame buffer in pixels */
- int bytes_line; /* # of bytes per scan line, must be whole. */
- int byte_padding; /* Pad lines to a multiple of this amount,
- Must be a power of 2. */
- int dot_width; /* The length of a dot for the linestyles.
- Default = 1. */
- int dither_method; /* Dithering method code. */
- int dither_threshold; /* Threshold value for threshold dither */
- UCHAR bit_tab[8]; /* Table of set bits, bit_tab[0] is leftmost,
- bit_tab[7] is right most. */
- int flags; /* Raster flags, see above */
- #endif /* raster_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from rline *****/
- #ifndef rline_IDL_DEF
- #define rline_IDL_DEF
- /**** Flags to OR together for options parameter to IDL_Rline() ****/
- #define IDL_RLINE_OPT_NOSAVE 1 /* Don't save in recall buffer */
- #define IDL_RLINE_OPT_NOJOURNAL 2 /* Don't journal */
- #define IDL_RLINE_OPT_JOURCMT 4 /* Put a '; ' at start in journal */
- #define IDL_RLINE_OPT_NOEDIT 8 /* Like (!EDIT_INPUT = 0) for one call*/
- #endif /* rline_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from sig *****/
- #ifndef sig_IDL_DEF
- #define sig_IDL_DEF
- #include <signal.h>
- /* Dialect confusion from HP-UX */
- #if defined(SIGWINDOW) && !defined(SIGWINCH)
- #endif
- /*
- * Signal sets are represented by this opaque type. The type and length
- * have been selected to be suitable for any platform.
- */
- typedef struct {
- double set[4];
- } IDL_SignalSet_t;
- /* The IDL definition for all signal handler functions. */
- typedef void (* IDL_SignalHandler_t) IDL_ARG_PROTO((int signo));
- #endif /* sig_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from structs *****/
- #ifndef structs_IDL_DEF
- #define structs_IDL_DEF
- /* Valid bits for flags field of IDL_STRUCT_TAG_DEF */
- #define IDL_STD_INHERIT 1 /* Type must be a structure. This flag
- indicates that the structure is inherited
- (inlined) instead of making it a
- sub-structure as usual. */
- typedef struct { /* A tag definition for K_MakeSTruct */
- char *name; /* Name of the tag. Must be upper case
- and obey the rules for IDL identifiers.
- In the case of inherited structures, this
- can be NULL if type is set. Otherwise, it
- is the name of the structure being inherited
- and IDL will call a __DEFINE procedure
- based on that name to define it. */
- IDL_LONG *dims; /* NULL pointer for a scalar tag, otherwise
- an array giving the array dimensions. The
- first element is the number of dimensions,
- and is followed in order by the dimensions
- themselves. */
- void *type; /* This may be either a pointer to another
- structure definition, or a simple IDL
- type code (IDL_TYP_*) cast to void
- (e.g. (void *) IDL_TYP_BYTE). If this
- field is NULL, it indicates that IDL
- should search for a structure of the
- given name and fill in the pointer to
- its structure definition. */
- UCHAR flags; /* Bitmask made up of IDL_STD_* bits */
- #endif /* structs_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from sysnames *****/
- #ifndef sysnames_IDL_DEF
- #define sysnames_IDL_DEF
- /* Structure used for IDL_SysvVersion global variable */
- typedef struct {
- IDL_STRING arch; /* Machine architecture */
- IDL_STRING os; /* Operating System */
- IDL_STRING os_family; /* Operating System family
- (e.g. Unix vs SunOS) */
- IDL_STRING release; /* Software release */
- IDL_STRING build_date; /* Date on which this executable was built */
- #endif /* sysnames_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from tout *****/
- #ifndef tout_IDL_DEF
- #define tout_IDL_DEF
- typedef void (* IDL_TOUT_OUTF)(int flags, char *buf, int n);
- #define IDL_TOUT_F_STDERR 1 /* Output to stderr instead of stdout */
- #define IDL_TOUT_F_NLPOST 4 /* Output a newline at end of line */
- #endif /* tout_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from ur_main *****/
- #ifndef ur_main_IDL_DEF
- #define ur_main_IDL_DEF
- /* Values that are OR'd together to form the options argument to IDL_Init() */
- #define IDL_INIT_GUI 1 /* Use the GUI interface. */
- /* Try to use a GUI if possible. If that
- fails and the OS supports ttys, use
- the standard tty interface. Note that
- this code includes IDL_INIT_GUI. */
- #define IDL_INIT_RUNTIME 4 /* RunTime IDL. */
- /* Embedded IDL. Note that this code includes
- #define IDL_INIT_NOLICALIAS 16 /* Our FlexLM (Unix/VMS) floating license
- policy is to alias all IDL sessions that
- share the same user/system/display to the
- same license. If no_lic_alias is set,
- this IDL session will force a unique
- license to be checked out. In this case,
- we allow the user to change the DISPLAY
- environment variable. This is useful for
- RPC servers that don't know where their
- output will need to go before invocation.*/
- #define IDL_INIT_NOTTYEDIT 32 /* Under Unix, if IDL sees that stdin and
- stdout are ttys, it puts the tty into
- raw mode and uses termcap/terminfo to handle
- command line editing. When using
- callable IDL in a background process that
- isn't doing I/O to the tty, the termcap
- initialization can cause the process
- to block because of job control from the
- shell with a message like "Stopped (tty
- output) idl". Setting this option prevents
- all tty edit functions and disables the
- calls to termcap. I/O to the tty is done
- with a simple fgets()/printf().
- In the case of IDL_INIT_GUI, this is
- ignored. */
- #define IDL_INIT_STUDENT 128 /* IDL Student Edition */
- #endif /* main_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from widgets *****/
- #ifndef widgets_IDL_DEF
- #define widgets_IDL_DEF
- typedef void (* IDL_WIDGET_STUB_SET_SIZE_FUNC)
- IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_ULONG id, int width, int height));
- #endif /* widgets_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from zfiles *****/
- #ifndef zfiles_IDL_DEF
- #define zfiles_IDL_DEF
- /**** Access field bits in IDL_FILE_DESC and IDL_FILE_STAT ****/
- #define IDL_OPEN_R 1 /* Open file for reading */
- #define IDL_OPEN_W 2 /* Open file for writing */
- #define IDL_OPEN_NEW 4 /* Unix - Truncate old file contents.
- VMS - Use a new file. */
- #define IDL_OPEN_APND 8 /* File open with pointer at EOF */
- /**** Flags field bits in IDL_FILE_DESC and IDL_FILE_STAT ****/
- #define IDL_F_ISATTY 1 /* Is a terminal */
- #define IDL_F_ISAGUI 2 /* Is a Graphical User Interface */
- #define IDL_F_NOCLOSE 4 /* Don't let user close */
- #define IDL_F_MORE 8 /* Use more(1) like pager for fmt output */
- #define IDL_F_XDR 16 /* Is a XDR file */
- #define IDL_F_DEL_ON_CLOSE 32 /* Delete on close */
- #define IDL_F_SR 64 /* Is a SAVE/RESTORE file.` */
- #define IDL_F_UNIX_F77 128 /* Unformatted f77(1) I/O */
- #define IDL_F_UNIX_PIPE (1 << 8) /* fptr is to a socketpair(2) */
- #define IDL_F_UNIX_NOSTDIO (1 << 9) /* Call read(2) and write(2) directly */
- #define IDL_F_UNIX_SPECIAL (1 << 10) /* It's a device/special file */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_FIXED (1 << 11) /* Fixed length records */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_VARIABLE (1 << 12) /* Variable length records */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_SEGMENTED (1 << 13) /* FORTRAN segmented var len records */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_STREAM (1 << 14) /* Stream file */
- /* When reading a non-stream file via
- VMS stdio, there are two possible
- approaches. One is to simply read
- the file as a stream and let the RMS
- stuff show. The other is to try to
- re-write the data into a "logical
- data stream". Normally, IDL takes
- the second approach because it
- allows code to work easily between Unix and
- VMS. For the user OPEN though, the
- first approach is better because it
- is more robust and avoids RMS
- buffer size limitations. the
- STREAM_STRICT modifier flag is used
- in this case. */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_STREAM_STRICT (1 << 15)
- #define IDL_F_VMS_RMSBLK (1 << 16) /* RMS Block Mode access */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_RMSBLKUDF (1 << 17) /* RMS block mode files are created
- with FIXED length 512 byte records.
- This bit indicates that the RMS
- UNDEFINED record type should be
- used. */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_INDEXED (1 << 18) /* Indexed file */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_PRINT (1 << 19) /* Send to SYS$PRINT on close */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_SUBMIT (1 << 20) /* Send to SYS$BATCH on close */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_TRCLOSE (1 << 21) /* Truncate file allocation on close */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_CCLIST (1 << 22) /* CR/LF carriage control */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_CCFORTRAN (1 << 23) /* FORTRAN style carriage control */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_CCNONE (1 << 24) /* Explicit carriage control */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_SHARED (1 << 25) /* Shared access */
- #define IDL_F_VMS_SUPERSEDE (1 << 26) /* Supersede existing version on open*/
- #define IDL_F_DOS_NOAUTOMODE (1 << 27) /* Don't switch the mode */
- #define IDL_F_DOS_BINARY (1 << 28) /* File is in binary mode (^J) */
- /* Sets the IDL_F_NOCLOSE bit for file unit. */
- #define IDL_FILE_NOCLOSE(unit) IDL_FileSetClose((unit), FALSE)
- /* Clear the IDL_F_NOCLOSE bit for file unit. */
- #define IDL_FILE_CLOSE(unit) IDL_FileSetClose((unit), TRUE)
- /**** File units that map to standard units ****/
- #define IDL_STDIN_UNIT 0
- #define IDL_STDOUT_UNIT -1
- #define IDL_STDERR_UNIT -2
- #define IDL_NON_UNIT -100 /* Gauranteed to be an invalid unit */
- /* Valid flags to bit-OR together for IDL_FileEnsureStatus() flags argument */
- #define IDL_EFS_USER 1 /* Must be user unit (1 - MAX_USER_FILES) */
- #define IDL_EFS_OPEN 2 /* Unit must be open */
- #define IDL_EFS_CLOSED 4 /* Unit must be closed */
- #define IDL_EFS_READ 8 /* Unit must be open for input */
- #define IDL_EFS_WRITE 16 /* Unit must be open for output */
- #define IDL_EFS_NOTTY 32 /* Unit cannot be a tty */
- #define IDL_EFS_NOGUI 64 /* Unit cannot be a tty */
- #define IDL_EFS_NOPIPE 128 /* Unit cannot be a pipe */
- #define IDL_EFS_NOXDR 256 /* Unit cannot be a XDR file */
- #define IDL_EFS_ASSOC 512 /* Unit can be assoc'd. This implies USER,
- addition to other OS specific concerns */
- #define IDL_EFS_NOT_NOSTDIO 1024 /* Under Unix, file wasn't opened with
- IDL_F_UNIX_NOSTDIO attribute. */
- /**** Struct for global variable term, filled by IDL_FileInit() ****/
- typedef struct {
- #ifdef IDL_OS_HAS_TTYS
- char *name; /* Name of terminal type */
- char is_tty; /* True if stdin is a terminal */
- #endif
- int lines; /* Lines on screen */
- int columns; /* Width of output */
- /**** Struct that is filled in by IDL_FileStat() ****/
- typedef struct {
- char *name;
- short access;
- IDL_LONG flags;
- FILE *fptr;
- struct {
- unsigned short mrs;
- } rms;
- #endif /* zfiles_IDL_DEF */
- /***** Definitions from ztimer *****/
- #ifndef ztimer_IDL_DEF
- #define ztimer_IDL_DEF
- typedef void (* IDL_TIMER_CB)();
- #ifdef VMS
- typedef long IDL_TIMER_CONTEXT;
- #else
- typedef void (* IDL_TIMER_CONTEXT)();
- #endif
- #endif /* ztimer_IDL_DEF */
- extern char *IDL_FilePathFromRoot IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (char *pathbuf, IDL_STRING *root,
- char *file, char *ext, int nsubdir,
- char **subdir));
- extern char *IDL_FilePath IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (char *pathbuf, char *file, char *ext,
- int nsubdir, char **subdir));
- extern void *IDL_MemAlloc IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (unsigned int n, char *err_str, int action));
- extern void IDL_MemFree IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_REGISTER void *m, char *err_str, int action));
- extern void *IDL_MemAllocPerm IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (unsigned int n, char *err_str, int action));
- extern void IDL_TimerSet IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_LONG length, IDL_TIMER_CB callback,
- int from_callback, IDL_TIMER_CONTEXT_PTR context));
- extern void IDL_TimerCancel IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_TIMER_CONTEXT context));
- extern void IDL_TimerBlock IDL_ARG_PROTO((int stop));
- extern void IDL_TimerSet IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_LONG length, IDL_TIMER_CB callback,
- int from_callback, IDL_TIMER_CONTEXT_PTR context));
- extern void IDL_TimerCancel IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_TIMER_CONTEXT context));
- extern void IDL_TimerSet IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_LONG length, IDL_TIMER_CB callback,
- int from_callback, IDL_TIMER_CONTEXT_PTR context));
- extern void IDL_TimerSet IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_LONG length, IDL_TIMER_CB callback,
- int from_callback, IDL_TIMER_CONTEXT_PTR context));
- extern void IDL_SignalSetInit IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_SignalSet_t *set, int signo));
- extern void IDL_SignalSetAdd IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_SignalSet_t *set, int signo));
- extern void IDL_SignalSetDel IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_SignalSet_t *set, int signo));
- extern int IDL_SignalSetIsMember IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_SignalSet_t *set, int signo));
- extern void IDL_SignalMaskGet IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_SignalSet_t *set));
- extern void IDL_SignalMaskSet IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_SignalSet_t *set, IDL_SignalSet_t *oset));
- extern void IDL_SignalMaskBlock IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_SignalSet_t *set, IDL_SignalSet_t *oset));
- extern void IDL_SignalBlock IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int signo, IDL_SignalSet_t *oset));
- extern void IDL_SignalSuspend IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_SignalSet_t *set));
- extern int IDL_SignalRegister IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int signo, IDL_SignalHandler_t func,
- int msg_action));
- extern int IDL_SignalUnregister IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int signo, IDL_SignalHandler_t func,
- int msg_action));
- extern int IDL_GetKbrd IDL_ARG_PROTO((int should_wait));
- extern void IDL_TerminalRaw IDL_ARG_PROTO((int to_from, int fnin));
- extern void IDL_Pout IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_POUT_CNTRL *control, ...));
- extern void IDL_PoutRaw IDL_ARG_PROTO((int unit, char *buf, int n));
- extern IDL_PLOT_COM IDL_PlotCom;
- extern UCHAR IDL_ColorMap[];
- extern IDL_PLOT_COM *IDL_PlotComAddr IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern UCHAR *IDL_ColorMapAddr IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern void IDL_PolyfillSoftware IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int *x, int *y, int n, IDL_POLYFILL_ATTR *s));
- extern double IDL_GraphText IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- char *text));
- extern void IDL_StrDup IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- extern void IDL_StrDelete IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_STRING *str, IDL_LONG n));
- extern void IDL_StrStore IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_STRING *s, char *fs));
- extern void IDL_StrEnsureLength IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_STRING *s, int n));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_StrToSTRING IDL_ARG_PROTO((char *s));
- extern void IDL_TerminalRaw IDL_ARG_PROTO((int to_from, int fnin));
- extern int IDL_GetKbrd IDL_ARG_PROTO((int should_wait));
- extern int IDL_GetKbrd IDL_ARG_PROTO((int should_wait));
- extern void IDL_ExitRegister IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_PRO_PTR proc));
- extern void IDL_WidgetIssueStubEvent IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (char *rec, IDL_LONG value));
- extern void IDL_WidgetSetStubIds IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (char *rec, unsigned long t_id,
- unsigned long b_id));
- extern void IDL_WidgetGetStubIds IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (char *rec, unsigned long *t_id,
- unsigned long *b_id));
- extern void IDL_WidgetStubLock IDL_ARG_PROTO((int set));
- extern char *IDL_WidgetStubLookup IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_ULONG id));
- extern void IDL_WidgetStubSetSizeFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((char *rec,
- extern int IDL_FindDefinition IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (char *routine, char **filename, int *line));
- extern char *IDL_MakeTempArray IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int type, int n_dim, IDL_LONG dim[], int init,
- IDL_VPTR *var));
- extern void IDL_EzCall IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[], IDL_EZ_ARG arg_struct[]));
- extern void IDL_EzCallCleanup IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[], IDL_EZ_ARG arg_struct[]));
- extern void IDL_MessageErrno IDL_ARG_PROTO((int code, ...));
- extern void IDL_Message IDL_ARG_PROTO((int code, int action, ...));
- extern void IDL_MessageVarError IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int code, IDL_VPTR var, int action));
- extern void IDL_MessageVMS IDL_ARG_PROTO((int code,...));
- extern char *IDL_Rline IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (char *s, int n, int unit, FILE *stream,
- int is_tty, char *prompt, int opt));
- extern void IDL_RlineSetStdinOptions IDL_ARG_PROTO((int opt));
- extern void IDL_Logit IDL_ARG_PROTO((char *s));
- extern int IDL_Win32Init IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int iOpts, void *hinstExe, void *hwndExe, void *hAccel));
- extern void IDL_ToutPush IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_TOUT_OUTF outf));
- extern IDL_TOUT_OUTF IDL_ToutPop IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern char *IDL_VarName IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_VPTR v));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_GetVarAddr1 IDL_ARG_PROTO((char *name, int ienter));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_GetVarAddr IDL_ARG_PROTO((char *name));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_FindNamedVariable IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (char *name, int ienter));
- extern void IDL_Wait IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]));
- extern void IDL_GetUserInfo IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_USER_INFO *user_info));
- extern short IDL_TapeChl[];
- extern short *IDL_TapeChlAddr IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern int IDL_AddToQueue IDL_ARG_PROTO((char* pString));
- extern int IDL_GetWait IDL_ARG_PROTO((int fType));
- extern int IDL_SetWait IDL_ARG_PROTO((int fType, int iVal));
- extern char *IDL_MakeTempStruct IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_StructDefPtr sdef, int n_dim,
- IDL_LONG *dim, IDL_VPTR *var, int zero));
- extern IDL_StructDefPtr IDL_MakeStruct IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (char *name, IDL_STRUCT_TAG_DEF *tags));
- extern IDL_LONG IDL_StructTagInfoByName IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_StructDefPtr sdef, char *name,
- int msg_action, IDL_VPTR *var));
- extern IDL_LONG IDL_StructTagInfoByIndex IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_StructDefPtr sdef, int index,
- int msg_action, IDL_VPTR *var));
- extern void IDL_Print IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv, char *argk));
- extern void IDL_PrintF IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv, char *argk));
- extern void IDL_Win32MessageLoop IDL_ARG_PROTO((int fFlush));
- extern void IDL_VarCopy IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- extern void IDL_StoreScalar IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_VPTR dest, int type, IDL_ALLTYPES *value));
- extern int IDL_KWGetParams IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv, char *argk,
- IDL_KW_PAR *kw_list, IDL_VPTR *plain_args,
- int imask));
- extern void IDL_KWCleanup IDL_ARG_PROTO((int fcn));
- extern char *IDL_DitherMethodNames[];
- extern char *IDL_DitherMethodNamesFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((int method));
- extern void IDL_RasterDrawThick IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- IDL_PRO_PTR routine, int dot_width));
- extern void IDL_RasterPolyfill IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int *x, int *y, int n, IDL_POLYFILL_ATTR *p,
- extern void IDL_RasterDraw IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- extern void IDL_Dither IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (UCHAR *data, int ncols, int nrows, IDL_RASTER_DEF *r,
- int x0, int y0, IDL_TV_STRUCT *secondary));
- extern void IDL_BitmapLandscape IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_RASTER_DEF *in, IDL_RASTER_DEF *out, int y0));
- extern double IDL_DoubleScalar IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_REGISTER IDL_VPTR p));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_BasicTypeConversion IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[],
- IDL_REGISTER int type));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_CvtByte IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_CvtFix IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_CvtLng IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_CvtFlt IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_CvtDbl IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_CvtComplex IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_CvtDComplex IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_CvtString IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[], char *argk));
- extern int IDL_GetKbrd IDL_ARG_PROTO((int should_wait));
- extern void IDL_VarGetData IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_VPTR v, IDL_LONG *n, char **pd,
- int ensure_simple));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_ImportArray IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int n_dim, IDL_LONG dim[], int type,
- UCHAR *data, IDL_ARRAY_FREE_CB free_cb,
- IDL_StructDefPtr s));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_ImportNamedArray IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (char *name, int n_dim, IDL_LONG dim[],
- int type, UCHAR *data,
- IDL_ARRAY_FREE_CB free_cb,
- IDL_StructDefPtr s));
- extern void IDL_Delvar IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_VPTR var));
- extern void IDL_VarEnsureSimple IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_VPTR v));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_CvtBytscl IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int argc, IDL_VPTR *argv, char *argk));
- extern void IDL_Freetmp IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_REGISTER IDL_VPTR p));
- extern void IDL_Deltmp IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_REGISTER IDL_VPTR p));
- extern IDL_VPTR IDL_Gettmp IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern char *IDL_GetScratch IDL_ARG_PROTO((IDL_REGISTER IDL_VPTR *p,
- extern void IDL_RgbToHsv IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (UCHAR *r, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *b, float *h,
- float *s, float *v, int n));
- extern void IDL_RgbToHls IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (UCHAR *r, UCHAR *g, UCHAR *b, float *h,
- float *l, float *s, int n));
- extern int IDL_AddDevice IDL_ARG_PROTO((
- int msg_action));
- extern char *IDL_OutputFormat[];
- extern char *IDL_OutputFormatFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((int type));
- extern int IDL_OutputFormatLen[];
- extern int IDL_OutputFormatLenFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((int type));
- extern IDL_LONG IDL_TypeSize[];
- extern int IDL_TypeSizeFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((int type));
- extern char *IDL_TypeName[];
- extern char *IDL_TypeNameFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((int type));
- extern int IDL_LMGRCheckoutVal IDL_ARG_PROTO(( long lVal));
- extern IDL_SYS_VERSION IDL_SysvVersion;
- extern IDL_STRING *IDL_SysvVersionArch IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern IDL_STRING *IDL_SysvVersionOS IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern IDL_STRING *IDL_SysvVersionOSFamily IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern IDL_STRING *IDL_SysvVersionRelease IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern char *IDL_ProgramName;
- extern char *IDL_ProgramNameFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern char *IDL_ProgramNameLC;
- extern char *IDL_ProgramNameLCFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern IDL_STRING IDL_SysvDir;
- extern IDL_STRING *IDL_SysvDirFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern IDL_STRING IDL_SysvErrString;
- extern IDL_STRING *IDL_SysvErrStringFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern IDL_STRING IDL_SysvSyserrString;
- extern IDL_STRING *IDL_SysvSyserrStringFunc IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern IDL_LONG IDL_SysvErrCode;
- extern IDL_LONG IDL_SysvErrCodeValue IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern IDL_LONG IDL_SysvErrorCode;
- extern IDL_LONG IDL_SysvErrorCodeValue IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern IDL_LONG *IDL_SysvSyserrorCodes;
- extern IDL_LONG *IDL_SysvSyserrorCodesAddr IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern IDL_LONG IDL_SysvOrder;
- extern IDL_LONG IDL_SysvOrderValue IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern int IDL_AddSystemRoutine IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (IDL_SYSFUN_DEF *defs, int is_function, int cnt));
- extern int IDL_BailOut IDL_ARG_PROTO((int stop));
- extern int IDL_Cleanup IDL_ARG_PROTO((int just_cleanup));
- extern int IDL_Init IDL_ARG_PROTO((int options, int *argc, char *argv[]));
- extern int IDL_Main IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int init_options, int argc, char *argv[]));
- extern int IDL_ExecuteStr IDL_ARG_PROTO((char *cmd));
- extern int IDL_Execute IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, char *argv[]));
- extern int IDL_RuntimeExec IDL_ARG_PROTO((char *file));
- extern void IDL_Runtime IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int options, int *argc, char *argv[], char *file));
- extern IDL_TERMINFO IDL_FileTerm;
- extern char *IDL_FileTermName IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern int IDL_FileTermIsTty IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern int IDL_FileTermLines IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern int IDL_FileTermColumns IDL_ARG_PROTO((void));
- extern int IDL_FileEnsureStatus IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int action, int unit, int flags));
- extern int IDL_FileOpen IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[], char *argk,
- int access_mode, int extra_flags, int longjmp_safe));
- extern void IDL_FileClose IDL_ARG_PROTO(
- (int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[], char *argk));
- extern void IDL_FileFlushUnit IDL_ARG_PROTO((int unit));
- extern void IDL_FileGetUnit IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]));
- extern void IDL_FileFreeUnit IDL_ARG_PROTO((int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]));
- extern int IDL_FileEOF IDL_ARG_PROTO((int unit));
- extern void IDL_FileStat IDL_ARG_PROTO((int unit, IDL_FILE_STAT *stat_blk));
- extern void IDL_FileSetClose IDL_ARG_PROTO((int unit, int allow));
- /* Forward declarations for all exported routines and data */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* export_IDL_DEF */